2021年3月30日 星期二

VCP pattern程式碼

 // VCP pattern(根據Minervini參數)

//目標是輕鬆找到緊縮到足以吸引購買的VCP pivot

//可調參數//////////////////////////////////////////////// /


Timeframe = 252; //一年內的交易。尋找成長股,通常是從新的ATH(all time high)開始

//上述概念也傾向於淘汰上方過多壓力overhead supply

VolTf= 50; // 50天的平均交易量(類似於大多數受IBD啟發的圖表)


//cheat pivots(3C patterns)會很接近底部

BaseLowerLimit= 0.7;

//Pivot length。最後一次收縮需要多長時間才能合格?


PivotLength= 5;

//Pivot的寬度多大才算得上Pivot? 6%似乎是高質量最終收縮的最佳選擇


PVLimit= 0.10;









HighPrice = HHV(Cur , Timeframe);


NearHigh  = Cur < HighPrice AND Cur  > BaseLowerLimit * HighPrice;




Vma = MA(V, VolTf);//Volume moving average


VolSlope = LinRegSlope(Vma, VolTf);


VolDecreasing = VolSlope < 0;






PivotHighPrice  = HHV(High, PivotLength);


SYNTAXhhv( ARRAY, periods )
FUNCTIONCalculates the highest value in the ARRAY over the preceding periods (periods includes the current day). HHV accepts periods parameter that can be constant as well as time-variant (array).
EXAMPLEThe formula "hhv( close, 4)" returns the highest closing price over the preceding four periods; "hhv( high, 8)" returns the highest high price over the preceding eight periods.

PivotLowPrice  = LLV(Low, PivotLength);


SYNTAXllv( ARRAY, periods )
FUNCTIONCalculates the lowest value in the ARRAY over the preceding periods (periods includes the current day). The function accepts periods parameter that can be constant as well as time-variant (array).
EXAMPLEThe formula "llv( close, 14 )" returns the lowest closing price over the preceding 14 periods.

PivotWidth     = (PivotHighPrice - PivotLowPrice)/Cur;

PivotStartHP   = Ref(High, -PivotLength +1);


SYNTAXRef( ARRAY, period )
FUNCTIONReferences a previous or subsequent element in a ARRAY. A positive period references "n" periods in the future; a negative period references "n" periods ago. The function accepts periods parameter that can be constant as well as time-variant (array).
EXAMPLEThe formula "ref( CLOSE, -14 )" returns the closing price 14 periods ago. Thus, you could write the 14-day price rate-of-change (expressed in points) as "C - ref( C, -14 )." The formula "ref( C, 12 )" returns the closing price 12 periods ahead (this means looking up the future)

IsPivot        = PivotWidth < PVLimit AND PivotHighPrice == PivotStartHP;



VolDryUp = True;


for (i = 0; i < PivotLength; i++)

    VolDryup = VolDryup AND Ref(V, -i) < Ref(Vma, -i);



Filter = NearHigh AND VolDecreasing AND IsPivot AND VolDryUp;

// EOF

